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Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin with Neck Liposuction Boston, MA
Profile of a mature woman after neck lift.

Are you distracted by your double chin every time you look in the mirror or get on a virtual conference call? It is quite common to develop additional fat in the neck and under the chin as we age. For some patients, this can begin as early as their 30’s. Many patients tend to find it difficult to lose this area of stubborn fat despite disciplined diet and exercise. In fact, this submental fat can even be blamed on genetics in several cases. Regardless of the cause, there is a minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure that can address your concerns and help you regain a confident and youthful appearance.

Neck Liposuction, a minimally invasive neck contouring procedure that can produce dramatic results in a quick procedure time. In fact, neck liposuction can often be performed in under an hour and downtime is minimized to less than a week. Both men and women seek this popular fat removal procedure. By removing bulging fat at the neck and under the chin, a more youthful profile and sculpted jawline can be instantly created.

Advantages of Submental Liposuction and Neck Contouring

When it comes to neck liposuction, Dr. Del Vecchio brings a delicate surgical hand and artistic eye to accomplish the following:

  • Define and sculpt the jawline
  • Reduce size and fullness of the neck
  • Improve double chin appearance
  • Restore a more desirable facial profile

Keep in mind that if you have excess skin along with additional neck fat, the liposuction may be combined with a neck lift and/or facelift for complete facial rejuvenation in one procedure. In general, neck liposuction as a standalone treatment can produce superior results in younger patients with better skin elasticity.

If you would like to schedule your consultation for Neck Liposuction from a renowned facial plastic surgeon in Boston, please call Back Bay Plastic Surgery today.

Posted on behalf of Back Bay Plastic Surgery

38 Newbury Street Ste 502
Boston, MA 02116

Phone: (617) 262-8528

Monday - Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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